Monday, September 17, 2007

Have Baptists lost their Minds?

Years ago there was a commercial that had to do with advancing the cause of higher education among minority students. The caption at the end of the segment read "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." Even now that statement remains with me, and still makes sense when applied to life in the church.

We sang an interesting hymn last Sunday morning entitled, "We Praise You with our Minds, O Lord." It went well with our emphasis for the day, as we hosted Dr. Molly Marshall, President of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to hearing a challenging message on the importance of theological education, I was given several additional remarks from church members about this hymn. There is a consensus at UHBC that God expects us to continue thinking and growing in the faith.

You don't hear much about "praising God with our minds" in some Baptist circles. I remember Dr. Fisher Humphreys giving one definition of theology as "loving the Lord with our minds" which definitely fits with Jesus' instructions to love the Lord your God with all your "heart, mind, soul, and strength." The Apostle Paul instructed believers to have "the mind of Christ." And what a mind that must have been! Jesus never was at a lack for words in responding to challenges from the religious establishment of his day. He was the greatest preacher and teacher who ever lived, and quoted frequently from the Pentateuch. He could match wits with anyone, yet knew how to relate to even the most uneducated with stories that could instruct and entertain at the same time.

It grieves me when I hear preachers downplaying the importance of education. I have found that most of these individuals never put in the mental and emotional effort required to earn their theological stripes. For some reason, these same pastors who warn against folks with earned doctorates also do whatever they can to get a "Dr." in front of their name by going to a degree mill institution. I sat in seminary classrooms and watched in disbelief as men who came to school in cowboy hats openly criticized the positions of professors who had decades of study and reading under their theological belts. The ignorance of these men was exceeded only by their apathy toward learning anything that might challenge some of their presuppositions. Why attend seminary if you already know everything?

It's not easy to be open to learning a new theological trick or two. And it doesn't necessarily mean sending your belief system down the river without a paddle. I do think it means approaching our faith with an open Bible and an open mind, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. This is not always an easy task, and requires prayer, reading, reflection, and dialogue with believers and non-believers alike. This can be a frightening prospect, especially for those persons who think they know it all already. Pride can be a real obstacle to learning, and a little humility never hurt anyone. Discussing a theological position doesn't necessarily mean that you accept it as your own position. It also doesn't mean you have to villify the person who disagrees with you.

Unfortunately, Baptists haven't really been known for loving the Lord with our minds. Some folks might question whether Baptists have any mind at all based on some decisions that have been handed down through the years. One notable piece of evidence relates to Dr. Adrian Rogers who once said that if Southern Baptists believed pickles have souls, then that's what they should be teaching in the seminaries. There are also examples of seminaries treating women like they don't have a mind at all. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, for example, is giving academic credit to women for taking homemaking courses in food preparation and hospitality. This is important as some level, but surely not at a seminary where there is a brief window of opportunity to instruct people about biblical studies, theology, church history, ethics, and pastoral ministry.

It's possible to be a loving, caring, and thinking follower of Christ. We don't need to "check our mind at the door" when we enter the church house for worship. Now, more than ever, Baptists need to be a thinking people. With the diversity of religions out there, we ought to treat the faith questions of searchers very seriously. The church hasn't had an unblemished record through the years, and we haven't always done justice to the teachings of Christ. We all have some learning to do.

Blessed are those Baptist churches where honest theological searching takes place is a loving, safe atmosphere. It is more challenging to lead this kind of congregation, but the effort is well worth it. We must always remember to lift up Jesus Christ rather than a set of propositions about the Bible. Ours is a living, dynamic faith rather than a cold, dead orthodoxy. The church that is always being reformed and changing is one that is still growing. We don't need to codify our beliefs into a set of propositions or insist upon compliance from our members in order to work together for the cause of Christ. Nobody said being a Baptist was easy, especially a "thinking Baptist".

Let's make sure the term isn't an oxymoron.


davidrhelms said...

Several years ago I preached at our local Unitarian Universalist Church. I was very well received by the congregation. During the "talk about" after the sermon a man was trying to vocalize his thoughts. He said "I didn't realize a Baptist could..." and he struggled for the words, so I suggested "have a brain?" "Yes!!"
I think I made Baptists look good that day. Baptists and brain do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Cally said...

Baptists seem to have a fear about academics because they think it hampers evangelism or something. Plus it's easier not to have to think about things, it may stem from the rural roots of the denomination.

I wonder what universalist churches do about missions.

davidrhelms said...

I'm convinced that for every
Christian who wants to study,think,and decide for themselves what they believe and how they practice their faith, there are thousands who want to mindlessly follow the direction of their leader. "Moderate" churches will never be as large as "fundamentist" churches for that very reason. Consequently "moderate" churches must find other ways to measure growth besides membership.

davidrhelms said...

Actually, it would have been grammatically correct for me to have said "decide for himself or herself".

Cally said...

Now you're thinking. It seems to be easier for folks who want to be told what to believe and think. It does save time, I suppose.

jenniferharrisdault said...

I think David is right. There have certainly been times when I wish I could go back to the days of mindlessly following just because struggling with faith can be so difficult -- at the same time, I never TRULY want that because I've grown so much by wrestling with spiritual issues.

Thanks for continually encouraging the thought process!

Anonymous said...

Brainless??? how low will you sink in your hatred for those whoe disagree with your views. Where along the line did somebody make you so mad that you have let our political views disrupt your pastoral duties.???
hatred... sad amazing ... just amazing
maybe there is another reason your "moderate " churches are dying on the vine.

Cally said...

I've seen your comments before and deleted them because they were not related to the subject matter. I'm leaving this last one because you unwittingly prove the point of my blog.

I enjoy writing, and doing this blog doesn't disrupt my pastoral duties. It's a part of it, and really doesn't take a lot of my time.

I would encourage you to get your facts straight before making inaccurate generalizations. It's an unfortunate truth that 80% of SBC churches are declining or plateaued. So, Baptist churches in general, not just "moderate" ones, have work to do. Some of these reasons have to deal with location, age of congregation, and/or changing demographics around the church.

It doesn't take any courage to leave these kind of comments under anonymity. You really need to move on.