Wednesday, May 30, 2007

SBC President Condemns NBC

There has been another salvo fired against the formation of the New Baptist Covenant (NBC). Not so surprisingly, it comes from Dr. Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Page was quoted in a recent Baptist Press article as saying "I will not be a part of any smokescreen leftwing liberal agenda that seeks to deny the greatest need in our world, that being the lost be shown the way to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (5/30/07). I say that this is not unusual but in a sense I had hoped that this SBC president would at least be more open to getting the whole story before condemning a gathering of more than 40 kinds of Baptists scheduled for early 2008.

Initial reports for this NBC meeting anticipate approximately 20,000 Baptists gathering in Atlanta to talk about what we have in common as Baptists and how we can work together across racial, gender, social, and economic barriers for the cause of Christ. This is the preliminary idea I'm getting from their website ( With all the things that divide us, it is worth taking a second look at those issues that we all can labor together for to improve our world. That doesn't mean that the gospel is diluted or that the particularity and uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven has to be dismissed. The NBC provides an opportunity to celebrate our historic Baptist distinctives and remember our denominational roots.

I'm not so naive as to think that the NBC isn't above criticism but let's wait until after the meeting to determine whether it's a "smokescreen left-wing agenda." The Atlanta meeting may very well turn out to be an affirmation of Jesus' first sermon as recorded in Luke 4. Then again, the SBC president may very well equate both to be one and the same. There will undoubtedly be Baptists of a broad spectrum of theological and political stripes in Atlanta for the meeting in early 2008. This is a good thing, and if we can ever get past the label and libel technique in dealing with folks who don't agree with us on everything, perhaps something substantive can happen. Like finding out that there are significant areas of agreement out there that stem from the words of Jesus as recorded in Luke 4.

I haven't heard anything (yet) that remotely sounds like a denial of biblical authority or that Jesus Christ is the "way, the truth, and the life." This is why Dr. Page's soundbite is so disappointing to this Baptist. There is more to Baptist life than what happens in June at the Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC president's remarks are timely before the annual meeting and will garner some applause, but will it be interesting to see what the younger guard thinks of his criticisms. Several young SBC bloggers with a growing readership met with former President Jimmy Carter at the Carter Center earlier this year to talk about the agenda for the NBC. They will decide for themselves what to think. This is a novel concept.

Jesus' first sermon generated a lot of criticism too, as it infuriated the religious establishment of that day. It shouldn't be too surprising that an emphasis on his words would generate a similar response. Let's avoid the "shoot first and ask questions later" approach to dealing with people. Time will tell whether the NBC has any merit or not.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pardon the Interruption

It's been about a month since my last entry, way too long to go with so much going on in my life right now. Suffice it so say that there is a lot involved in bringing one ministry to a close and gearing up for another one. Our family is in the process of getting ready to move this weekend and hoping to touch down in Springfield, MO on Memorial Day to bring our belongings into an empty house we will call home. I am planning to be in the pulpit for my first Sunday as pastor of University Heights Baptist Church on June 3rd.

For the masses (ministerially speaking) who normally look for me at Signal Mountain Musings, welcome to my new location with a new title. It isn't all that original, but should be easy to remember. Once on my feet in Springfield, I hope to once again add to the dialogue taking place in Baptist land. I can tell you that I am really excited and grateful to be in a church with American Baptist and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship leanings. Our Baptist distinctives are extremely important to me, and I believe I can resonate with the traditional Baptists who are part of the family of faith at UHBC. I'm looking forward to making a difference in a new ministry location and getting to know folks of a Missouri persuasion.

As this move has unfolded, I've been reminded of what the late Dr. Charles Harvey, Sr. said to a fellow student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary during class one day. This particular student had some difficulty at his church and was concerned about what he should do. I'll never forget Dr. Harvey's response. He said, "People may thwart the will of God, but God takes care of his servants." That remark, uttered over 15 years ago has remained part of my ministry vocabulary all this time. I've seen this truth validated time and again with my friends as well as in my own life. I'm excited about this next chapter of my life, and look forward to discussions about Baptist issues once again in this format very soon.