Thursday, July 26, 2007

Onward Christian Soldiers

We finished Vacation Bible School not too long ago a little weary and worn but grateful for the opportunity to work with our children. I'm grateful our family got to Springfield in time to participate in this great week, and Lori and I enjoyed meeting our precious kids up close and personal. The theme "Avalanche Ranch" served as the backdrop for our week, and each day had a central lesson from God's word. I'd have to say my favorite day was Thursday, in that I got to dress up and tell the resurrection story. Children are very perceptive, and some appeared more interested in the paper fire I had going with the red light than the story itself. But, I've been told children learn more than you realize, so I'm counting on that.

I realize it's only been a few months, but already I've come to appreciate the missional spirit that is alive and well in University Heights Baptist Church. Many may not kn0w what that term means, but in reality have a good handle on its application. Part of this awareness stems from a desire to do whatever it takes to make an impression for the Lord, and this was seen very clearly during VBS. It's not easy getting workers for VBS, there are schedules to adjust and quite frankly many folks don't have the patience or disposition required to work with children. So, when you find a team like we had for VBS 2007, you like to recognize them.

It would be impossible to mention what each person did each day, and many wore several hats along the way. These folks were involved in acting out sketches, serving as crew and station leaders, helping with registration, and providing snacks and childcare. I owe these folks a debt of gratitude:

Joby Windmiller
Jennifer Rice
Jerry Clopton
John Bowdidge
Margaret Butler
Garrison Main
Billie Lang
Tania Gray
Lois McCullars
John McCullars
Donna Sherrill
Darla O'Brien
Joe Brown
Nancy Brown
Barbara Granbois
Bobbie Moyer
Marilyn Williams
Pat Wolf
Bill Blase
Ruth Ann Blase
Ted Brown
Norma Jones
Mel Clopton
Phil Jones
Sharon Miller
Betty Miller
Flo Graham
Vickie Curless
Lori Chisholm

I'm grateful to these Christian soldiers for their faithfulness and love for our children. Their unselfishness in giving of themselves and their time is greatly appreciated. There is no greater investment in our time than to inspire and influence children. This is the highest form of Christian work, and makes an eternal difference. I'm grateful for the baptism that has come out of this week, and anticipate more in the days and months ahead.

For a father of three children, I am especially appreciative of godly influences in the church family. It's a humbling thing to be part of what the Lord is doing in the world, and my prayer is that our family of faith would never loose the wonder of seeing a young person coming to faith in Jesus Christ. There is so much ministry yet to do, and we get to (not have to) make an impact for Christ. Blessings to all who helped make VBS 2007 so memorable.

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